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Sunday, December 7, 2008


Nothin' new just sharin some stuff I found while wandering around the interweb.
Justice, (that's their groups name) two French dudes is quickly taking over the dance club scene. Working from their basement on simple equipment they created some delightfully "new-ish" music that you can sit down and enjoy, music where you don't have to listen to the lyrics or try to guess the featured artists.
"For their debut album Justice decided they needed to escape Xavier's bedroom. They rented a cheap basement in the centre of Paris and fixed it up a little. Gaspard: 'We made this album with equipment that everyone can afford. We don't have enough knowledge of sound engineering and things to use really fancy equipment. That's what makes it exciting for us.' And Lord, what excitement Justice serve up. ,'Genesis' kicks things off with a big fat squelch, before setting the ball rolling with 'Let There Be Light'. And you want your heart melted? Justice will do that too, with 'The Party'. It's a sweet and tender love song, featuring the reigning rude kid of the Paris hip hop/R&B scene, Uffie. 'å' is an pan-genre future-pop mash-up fun-rocket of an album: 'We tried to make something a bit universal in the feeling that you can hear by listening to the tracks. Some are happy, some are sad, some victorious. We didn't try to do mental music or show off our producing skills. It was just about emotion.' says Gaspard. Xavier: 'We are making music by chance, just because we did We Are You Friends - we didn't know we would be musicians for the next few years. We stared from zero. It's cool to arrive in a discipline and not know anything and just try to do things.' And so it came to pass: in the case of Justice and the boogie-down, hands up-in-the air brilliance of 'å', ignorance is bliss."
I just figured out Wale's widely popular hit W.A.L.E.D.A.N.C.E. was taken from them. Just wanted to share some good music with everyone. Download it if you want, if not, it's whatever!

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